
Showing posts from June, 2020

Colour Shaming: How does it matter? How to face it? (tale of a wheatish small town girl)

…Unkind as it might seem, the reality is people suffer from a widespread failing that is not edifying. No matter where we hail from, or the phase of economic development we are in, the belief that our culture, and language are superior to others is a trait found in literally every nook and corner of the globe. However, this never justifies domination or cruelty… In numerous cultures across globe, the notion of beauty is defined by the melanin in one’s skin, which climbs up to one’s race and region where one is born. This is the story of a wheatish skin toned girl hailing from a small town of north-east India. She has never been very comfortable with her naturally clear wheatish skin tone somewhere due to being scrutinised for not being fair since childhood. While growing up she has always been advised not to get too much exposure to sun for preventing her wheatish skin from getter darker, avoid wearing certain colours to evade looking darker, apply paste of turmeric and besan mixed w

A meaningful blessing- journey of choosing a forever person for an modern girl rooted in traditional values

… the world is full of beautiful people; each having their own set of uniqueness and are fine, worthy and wondrous in their own ways… and, every individual destiny lets us collide with has something incredible to say in the dialogue of our lives… but with not many our bond keeps strengthening over time…and, eventually a realization comes from within that we have finally got someone really special as we find ourselves deeply connected to them through an invisible thread… Maithli (name changed),a girl with a modern mindset but rooted in traditional values, had to go through the ups and downs in her quest for her imperfectly perfect partner before her heart could call someone the right one. Like any other girl her age, Maithli too had set certain criteria when it comes to choosing the person she wants to share her life with. Being born to broad yet simple and traditional minded parents, she never dared to cross her limits in any of her activities because of her controlled grooming. She ha